Hippo Ivory Peg Tusk 05 Sold 2.3.25
Nicely curved and a real beauty, hollow goes in about 1/3 length. Ivory hippo peg tusks are excellent for knife or cane handles, carving or scrimshaw. With short hollows, no enamel or a very narrow strip at top and are not prone to cracking. Some hippo tusks have small natural imperfections, we will try to show then in our photos when possible. .
Hippo Tusks are for U.S. SALES ONLY!!!
Hippopotamus are dangerous animals and a serious problem in many parts of Africa, and account for more human deaths per year than crocodiles and poisonous snakes combined. Because of this populations are frequently thinned out through government culling operations. The meat, hides, and ivory are all kept and utilized, the hippo ivory we sell comes from Tanzanian government sanctioned culling operations.