Pre 1972 White Walrus Tusk Display Piece 05
Pre 1972 White Walrus Tusk section, 9" long x 2 .64" x 1.65" on the large end and 1.90" x 1.15" on the smaller end. Beautiful solid tusk section with great age lines, creamy white interior ivory. This piece has abpout 6 lateral cracks every 1.25" so it would be ok for cross cutting for hook or jewelry carving but not for cutting slabs lengthways. It also show cracks on the end cuts so as great looking as this piece is it has its not a good choice if you need crack free, it is a great display piece.
To the best of my knowledge and belief the white walrus ivory we are selling predates the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act, we obtain statements attesting to this when we buy from individuals in the lower 48 states. We do not buy white walrus ivory in/from Alaska.
This vintage white walrus ivory does have internal cracks within the core (secondary dentine) that do not show on the outside. If you plan on carving or sawing this ivory and you encounter this do not fill with clear superglue or you will end up with a clear glue line. You can use ivory shavings with super glue but do not use ivory dust, it will look gray. The better idea that we highly recommend is order some Starbond White Superglue and Starbond Light Brown Superglue. (Amazon or Starbond). Mix a tiny bit of brown into a few drops of white on a piece of waxed paper or plastic until you match the color of the ivory then apply with a toothpick to the crack until the crack is slightly over filled, let dry for a day or two. When dry, it will sand and polish and is amazing. this is particularly effective with secondary dentine (core).
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