Narwhal Tusk Section 09 Pre 1972
Narwhal Tusk section a piece we acquired from the J. L Houston Company part of a shipment brought into Seattle in the mid 1900's from the Inuit village of Pond Inlet, Nunavut Canada. This Narwhal Ivory Tusk Section is 1 3/8” in diameter and 4" long/tall a piece has stabilized end cracks on both ends, polished glossy smooth. Has fine color and twisting. This has a natural hole (where the nerve ran). One of a kind, pre 1972, this is a rare opportunity. Could be cross cut /sliced to make many pendants. Ships Free , US Sales ONLY! The required and true statement from us the seller is: To the best of our knowledge and belief this piece of narwhal tusk predates the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act. We bought this in 2007 from J. L. Houston before they closed their doors forever. David Boone-Boone Trading Company.